Update 0.96 - Expanding and balancing the story campaign

22 Jan 2025
by Oleg Simukov

New missions and a rebalance of the story campaign mode


  • Visualization of transport construction has been added and configured: the hologram now dynamically displays construction progress.
  • Added sounds for purchasing and selling resources.
  • Replaced some sounds.
  • Changes in the names of construction menu categories.
  • Localization updated.

Changes to the storyline event chain:

  • The events of “Hope-2” now occur later, allowing for an early-stage development of the production base. Several intermediate tasks were added.
  • Increased part requirements for repairing the storyline truck.
  • Balanced science points awarded for completing storyline quests.
  • Added delays for the appearance of some side quests after researching the storyline repeater (“Lost Convoy,” “Hope Wreckage,” “Searching for Survivors”).
  • The market trade tutorial quest starts earlier.
  • Adjusted conditions for starting the “Strategic Planning” (Charity) contract: players now have more time to prepare for the next major task (requires completing the “Hope-2” storyline and researching the Assembler and Multi-Regolith Refinery).


  • Fixed errors in creating points of interest at the orbital level that caused issues with expeditions and quest task completions.
  • Fixed a market error where the cost of orders with drones was deducted twice.
  • Prices no longer increase when selling large quantities of the same goods; instead, they decrease.
  • Corrected MDR behavior when starting movement in the crater.
  • Fixed an error where oxygen did not appear in reconstructed rooms.
  • Addressed a rare situation where science points were incorrectly awarded after completing a geoscan.
  • Fixed a situation where idle transport in the crater was unavailable for assignment in the expedition interface.
  • At the beginning of the storyline, a notification about insufficient energy allowed movement to the underground level. It no longer appears until the elevator is repaired.
  • Restored the sound of idle science points.
  • Fixed a bug with infinite science points granted after completing one of the side quests.
  • Resolved a rare situation where a dialogue in a side quest was skipped automatically with sound turned off.
  • The POI “Meteorite” is now researched correctly.


  • Increased minimum and maximum resource vein generation limits by 6-14%.
  • Increased inflation of science point costs in CRUST Solutions as the research map progresses.
  • Added new contracts for slag delivery.
  • Increased rover speed in a discharged state from 0.05 -> 0.125.
  • Adjustments to the costs of various research (e.g., the Rolling Mill no longer requires Fundamental Science Points, and the Assembler is cheaper).
  • Reduced hunger rate of colonists working on jobs by 7%.
  • Added fuel to some ruins.
  • Reduced cargo capacity of small capsules from 5400 -> 4600.
  • Increased flight time for regular capsules from 40 -> 44.
  • Increased required resources for repairing the quest MDR.
  • Balanced resources in the POI “Aerodynamics Lab.”
  • Reduced science point rewards for studying the first quest POI “Lost Convoy.”
  • MDR is now less efficient; the base regolith mining speed has been reduced.
  • Added one more research option to improve MDR regolith mining speed.
  • Some modules now require more silicon for construction: Expedition Center, Multi-Regolith Refinery, Medium Solar Panel.
  • Reduced wear rate of all mining and production modules by 5-12%.
  • Large Hydroponic Farms now consume less water (24 -> 14) and produce organics 18% longer.
  • Mushroom Farms now consume less water (4 -> 3) when producing organics.
  • Carbon Fiber Factory production cycle increased from 12 -> 20.
  • Component Factory now requires fewer titanium plates for construction.

In Progress - Update One:

  • New Helium-3 scanning mechanics.
  • New Helium-3 extraction mechanics.
  • Helium-3 Harvester.
  • Expanded MDR extraction mechanics.
  • New modules: Railgun to launch probes, Thermonuclear Generator, Biogenerator, Blockchain module, AI science module (names are subject to change).
  • Advanced sandbox settings from the menu.


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